06 Dec 2016

KodeForest now introducing the Property Options In Real Estate WordPress to manage and customize all the options for the properties with the property option panel. This option panel allows you to control and set the properties search , styles , price currency settings , property area , free / paid listing type etc.

More over you can select the front end login / register button , can configure the filters , social shares , google maps etc. These are the exciting options that provides you the unlimited customization service to handle the theme as you like. Options provide you to select your own login / register page where you can customize them according to your requirement.

If you are using the most famous Mortgage Calculator in the theme you need to manage it configuration which are given in the property options panel which allows to you have the setting of the calculator handling the title , amount , page , currency , format , label every thing you want to customize is present there in the mortgage calculator setting. Plus you can also email pdf setting of the mortgage calculator.

You can have the google map more then 50 color variation which is displayed in the google map area of the property options. Its for the different users so they can have variety of there website.

There are multiple property options through which you can enable / disable the re-captca from over all the site.

You can enable / disable the property sub header title and banner from here.

You can enable / disable the related properties from the property detail page.

You can enable / disable the agent contact form from the property detail page.

You can enable / disable the property comments section from the property detail page.

You can enable / disable the label tags from the property listing of the property detail page.

More over property search , listing type , property type and property features can be handled. There are the options to control the features settings of the property for example you can select the feature page of the properties.


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